Sunday, August 27, 2006

system overload

i thought we had a system
you and me
a simple scale
of want and be
(and oh so modern!)
you’re quite the revolutionary
walking down country road preen
you never took anything by storm

so these maddening twitches
don’t tell me anything they just take me inside myself
crystal itches
just flashings wordless warnings
of a future i wasn’t there for
of a past that isn’t mine
that girl
is all spirit and that
one is all heart and
that one hides in nada nil nothingness

the system doesn’t work

crack open crack
wort wrought wrung out washed down whichaway
overdose of overcare

nothing is good or bad than thinking makes it so
but horatio hadn’t heard the medium is the message
and it’s all in my head.

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